

Oh goodie goodie! I'm testing out Blogger! When I was using Blogger ages ago it was a really really boring blogging platform, so I picked Tumblr instead. But one day I was browsing through one of my favourite blogs - Haus Maus by Holly Becker, author of one of the most inspiring blogs ever written, decor8, and then I noticed that the theme she's using is exactly what I've been looking for. So I found out that Blogger has changed a lot and now it's an amazing blogging tool that's really easy to use. And here I am! :) 

It's so wonderful that the end of the week is approaching. Today I finally called my (ex)trainer to offer her any help I could give. I really want to start riding again and return to my life filled with horses, equestrian stuff, doing jobs around the barn, cleaning the saddles, grooming the horses, just being there.. And so it will be this Saturday IF the roads aren't too bad. I'm so looking forward to that! I'm so happy she immediately agreed! 

Well I guess that's about it today, 'cause I'm somewhere in between the "I don't wanna talk" and "Listen to my problems!" and that's not such a good place to be. But hey, we're recovering. I just hope that I don't get killed on Monday ;) 


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