
monday's inspirational interiors

Today is a day of changes. Upon arrival at work I learned that my department has been closed down and I'm transferred back to pre-press. Basically I've been downgraded and my job now consists of folding little paper brochures and books. It's quite cool for the first week or so. I spent a month doing that and I couldn't wait for the replacement. It would be fine for a technical worker who's satisfied with his/her job as long as he/she gets paid. But I'm not that kind of a person therefore I'm on the lookout. I'm not staying for another month on this. 

On a brighter note, the weather for the last couple of days has been unbelievably brilliant. The skies are blue and the sun shining brightly whole day long. It would be a nice sight to see, however, I don't have any windows in the bunker I'm sitting in right now. Nevertheless the days are visibly getting longer and it won't be complete darkness when I leave the bunker at 6 P. M. Oh I'm so sorry, I'm complaining again... 

Let's talk about something else. Let's talk about beautiful, inspirational interiors.

{photo via oh,pioneer}

{photo by ruyteixeira}

{photo via emma's design blog}

{photo by Petra Svensson}

{photo by Andreas Mikkel Hansen}

{photos/interiors by Tine Kjeldsen}

{photo via isuwannee}

{photo via sketch42}

There's so much beauty in interiors. Can't wait to have a house to decorate (someday). I do love our little loft but since we're renting it, there's not much we can do in terms of paint and decorating. But I do wonder what would be my perfect space as it seems that every kind of living space can be turned into an amazing, inspirational, living and breathing piece of interior perfection as long as one knows how to put its oddities to good use. High ceiling and large windows are a must, though. (:
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