

Over time I've grown to realize that it's not all procrastination about me and my grand plans. Now I finally realize that it's more of a ripening than hesitating.. and I've come to understanding that one mustn't underestimate the role of time. I've been plotting, planning and scheming to an absolute absurdity and it's become a subject of good fun-making in the eyes of my relatives. Nevertheless I do begin to feel a sort of development of my plans, even if they're anything but tangible. So it's good news, everyone, we're approaching steadily, gradually and irreversibly to our goals even when it feels like nothing's happening! 

To continue on more or less the same subject let me introduce you to a wonderful, delicate yet intricate craft - papercraft as art!

Now these are some seriously talented people and their pieces are so inspiring! I've been searching for my true ground for some time now and I'm deviating more and more towards papercraft and shadowbox dioramas. I do get goosebumps when viewing these! I made one of my own and really enjoyed that and I love the result BUT I have to get a decent shadowbox frame before I can show it to you! (:

See you soon!

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  1. Paldies par šo=ļoti aizraujoša un iedvesmojoša kolekcija

  2. prieks, ka patīk, mani ļoti aizrauj! + atcerējos, ka tas mani jau bērnībā ir interesējis (:
