

1. Oh, wow! It's been ages since I last posted anything, but trust me, it's because everything's been so busy and crazy round here lately. I'm replacing yet another colleague and trying to find any extra energy to do something creative at the same time. I feel more grateful than ever for the inspiration that's bubbling in the world wide web like a pleasantly dizzying, happiness-inducing glass of the very best champagne at the very best of events.

2. Today we celebrated something called Men's day at work, which is a modernized version of a Soviet tradition, which is the main reason why it's not really popular here. However, one of my colleagues was so keen on making the day unforgettable for the men in our office that I spent the last week doing lightning-speed designs for a set of playing cards. I hope some time later in my career I might be able to create a set that would be more "me" and one that I'd actually enjoy designing! Oh well, maybe someday...

3. I've picked up playing guitar once again and realized that, even though my cherry red Epiphone SG is a devilishly handsome guitar, I'd really love to have a classic guitar because it suits the kind of music I like to play so much better... This is going on to the wish list!

4. I haven't read anything but blogs for an eternity! Therefore I make a not-so-strict promise to myself to pick up those beautiful, amazing, wonderful books that I got from Amazon a couple of months ago, and finally read them! Typography, graphic design, photography... such amazing books! I'll let you know how I'm doing.

5. I've been doing lots of calligraphy lately. Loving it and starting to develop a style!

6. I'm committing to start a new column called "Daily likes". One illustration that I like, one typography/calligraphy piece that I like, one interior that I like, one paper design item that I like and one fashion piece that I like. I might drop in food, photography and other stuff from time to time. Let's see how it goes, shall we? :)

SO. Here we go!

Disclaimer: All images are linked to their sources/authors and are the property of their respective owners!

{ Daily likes }

{ Illustration }

{ Typography }
Loulou And Tummie
{ Interiors }
{ Paper }
A Fine Press

{ Fashion }
Emerson Made

Have fun!
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