

First of all, I GOT A MILK FROTHER, just like this one and I love it! I never even knew that the airy, silky soft milky froth isn't reserved for coffee shops and people who can afford the ultra-expensive super-huge espresso machines, but hey, now I have the most delicious hot chocolates the whole time!

Secondly, let's get back to the point! Think of it like this - when you're looking for a good source of information, a respectable, up-to-date and trustworthy source, what are the criteria that you judge the possible sources by? Well I might be a tiny little bit too superficial but I believe this is the case when looks count and they count bigtime! Don't get me wrong, one shouldn't judge the book by its cover cause, you know, even the dullest book design cannot eliminate all the good information in the book. However, first impressions do count and when I'm browsing online for, let's say, a printing house, I would most certainly chose the one that has the best website (with the precondition that I have no other idea on the quality of their work).

I do wonder why printing houses usually have such lifeless, boring, plain stupid websites. They're rarely clever, well built, functional or beautiful in any way. Let me show you an example so that you understand what I'm talking about.

What the.. what were they thinking of?? Let's use CMYK colours and crumpled paper, that way they'll know that we're a printing house! And look at all those pretty fonts, lots of them, and pops of RED, isn't that great? Let me tell you, I'd never never never and once again - never would make any deal with people who have SUCH a bad taste. No thanks, I'll pass.

Here's a better example. It's still very colourful but a lot more balanced, paired with whitespace, and guess what! Upon further inspection, I found out that it's a LOT more functional! I love the way the company has made use of newest technologies, posting how-to videos, offering client zone services, images of examples, quick ordering etc. etc..

And then there're companies like Moo, which are good in just about every aspect and - yes, you know it - they have quite a nice website!

This company looks fun (except for the quite creepy huuuge smiles), I'd give them a shot!

All in all I'm quite sure, even though I haven't really done much research on this theme, other than that carried out by Life Itself, that the quality of a company is directly proportional to the quality of its graphic and web design items.  That's the way things work, luckily for us. So here's to good design - cheers!

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