

It's a nasty day in the city of Riga. Rain keeps drizzling all day long on dark grey melting ice. The receding snow is revealing patches of wet, slippery ground covered in dirt and trash. It's not a pretty sight but it is nevertheless a  premonition of the Spring to come.

The day is dull as ever at work too. I feel as if a giant vacuum has sucked out all the energy, all the excitement and drive out of me. But it's a sign of Spring as well. I always feel morally almost dead before Spring. I remember myself coming home from school many years ago, dragging my school bag along - it seemed as if it weighed tons - I just couldn't pick it up. It felt light as a feather just a couple months before. However it's actual weight hadn't changed at all, I just had no strength in me by the approach of Spring... So here I am, excelling at procrastination and staring blankly at a fixed point on the wall in front of me. But I don't feel like an Olympian at all.

Here's a thing to lift my spirits - a couple of brilliant illustrations that suit my tastes quite perfectly as I am a big fan of the usage of textures and shadows in digital illustrations in order to achieve a handmade/papercut effect. 

That's some pretty awesome stuff, right?


P. S. Just one last thing - I've been writing this blog with a fear that nobody's reading it. Lately though I've heard that SOME people are reading this. So please, pretty please, if you're reading this, drop a line below just to let me know :) 
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  1. I am reading! :)) verī bjūtiful staff! me like!

  2. KAd līst un mākoņi klāj visu, es vienmēr atceros, ka tur virs mākoņiem spīd saule - tieši šobrīd, kad esmu iegrimis pelēkā miglā, tā spīd spoži un gaiši - lūk to vajag ieraudzīt ar iekšējām acīm. Un šī gaisma atspīdēs arī Tevī.
    Skatoties šīs bildes, esmu priecīgs, ka pasaulē Tev ir tik daudz draugu un domubiedru. Tā, ka nebēdā par to, kas ir tikai šķietams - pelēcība, vientulība, grūtumi un smagumi- tas viss pāriet, tie ir tikai māņi. Tepat - visapkārt ir gaisma, siltums, draugi, mīlestība. Atver iekšējās acis:)

  3. jā, es jau redzu - kā ar lidmašīnu kad lido, tad saule spīd pāri bezgalīgiem, pūkainiem mākoņu klajumiem :)
