

So I was sitting in my bunker, not knowing the weather, whether it's night or day or anything else about the outside world that I love so much... And in comes my colleague, someone I'm not too excited to see, and introduces me to a complete stranger, by way of pointing gesture as if I were a piece of equipment or furniture, as "the girl who folds the paper dummies". The stranger says, "she does what?" and the colleague responds: "folds paper dummies, like these!" and off they go. And I'm left there, thinking, how much is a person defined by the job they do? While the two where discussing my profession, I ever-more eagerly clicked away at the designs I was creating at the moment and suppressed the wish to shout out loud "It's not me, it's not my job! I was forced to do this but I'm a creative person! I design things, draw things, create things, I'm not a paper dummy maker!" So I get angry and sad and walk about with my nose down to the ground, especially lowered by the fact that I didn't have a lunch break today, not that I couldn't have one but I was so moody and apathetic that I couldn't collect my drooping physique enough to leave my seat.

So, as I was saying, I began musing on the subject of whether or not is one defined by the job one does. I've always been kind of paranoid that the job I'm doing will somehow swallow me and force me into becoming someone I don't want to be. As if working as a waitress to cover my bills would actually turn me into the kind of waitress who never achieves anything more than being the head-waitress. To be a creative equals doing everything creatively, it seems. I consciously express a kind of a character in everything I do and I acknowledge that. I can't really distinguish myself from the roles I play. Call me superficial but I think that my outlook is a huge part of the person I am. I like to think of myself in terms of playing the character well. Then again, I can't say I invented the character, rather it's the character that developed from the combination of myself the way I am and myself the way I want to be. It sounds so complicated when you try to put it down... Anyway, all I was trying to say is that I am truly disappointed when someone downgrades me by forgetting my true calling in favour of my current occupation, I am offended, actually. I do not not care! Because trust me, if I didn't have bills to pay I'd quit any day. But the threat of financial instability is a risk that I can't afford to take. Trust me, though, the day will come when I will pack my things and start my own little print shop and BE a creative person from every direction you could look at. I promise you that.

Trust me, there's better stuff ahead, so clickity-click below

 Anyhow, if I'm not going anywhere I might as well put myself to some use, other than folding paper dummies. Therefore I bring to you a little collection of some beautiful little calligraphic pieces!

Okay, just one more!

Aren't they all absolutely, amazingly, unbelievably beautiful? There's a lot more out there, so I urge you to go and browse for the gazillions of super-incredible calligraphy that's out there AND take your pens and papers out and start writing because that's one of THE most beautiful ways to express yourself! 


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